Having made music for a good while before tackling the daunting prospect of “production”, I have a reasonable amount of sounds to use to fill the categories of percussion, leads, and effects, but none of it comes from a big centralized source, unless Nexus counts. While I am content with continuing with the “one-or-two VSTs and a bunch of random WAVs/SF2s” setup, I’ve noticed that there are some non-vocal samples that appear multiple times in tracks we know and that I could be (and most certainly am!) missing out on some samples that could really add to future tracks. A few that I’ve noticed are this beam thing that’s in I Believe Nothing, Freeform Mercury, and some J-Core, an oscillating robotic sound that’s in Al Megiddo and Android Lime’s Hannya X remix, and a shorter robot-y thing that’s in Meditation and Out of Blue. I’m very curious as to the sources of those and if there are certain sample packs (Transcend’s aside) that the veterans have been using without telling us!