4 comments on “Epyx – Grimorium Verum

  1. Its nice to see a fine mix of EBM, Inudstrial and HardNRG/Freeform. There is a large scene for Inudstrial EBM here in the UK, Widely influenced by Lab 4 and Combichrist.. Though im sure if this type of mix was introduced to the UK scene, the snotty pretentous side of them would close-mindedly disregard it.. As thats the unfortunate attitude that comes with it. I for one think its about time it was done =) Hats off to Epyx!
    -Kirstie (Dyzphazia’s Lady) x

  2. Thanks for the message Kirstie 🙂
    That sort of attitude’s a shame, but probably the same in a lot of scenes…freeform would also benefit a lot from more of this sort of cross-genre selection, I reckon.

    You’ll have to convince Dyzphazia to be a pioneer and dip into EBM/Industrial now and then!

  3. Pingback: Thank You For The Horse » Blog Archive » Epyx - The Eidolon of the Blind

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