Latest tracks by FINRG Recordings
As two more free releases are out on FINRG, it’s a good time to make them listenable here too. Iron Squid and the classic Lush are the latest tunes, so check them out the player above and download via FINRG’s SoundCloud.
They’ve released LUSH. Man i love this tune. It was this vinyl – This was the tune (well the Carbon Based Remix) that got me in to Freeform and fiNRG in the first place… Not heard this track for a while… Brings back memories.
On a bit of an ephiphany note – Whilest listening to this tune just now. We need an ‘Eternal Cannon’ style remix from BTW and Haze, blatantly!!!!!!! That would rock sooooo much. Its a pitty that i heard they broke up :((((((
What a tune, the sounds/originality are still amazing these days…and you’ve hit on something with that epiphany! Hase remains AWOL though, so until that changes there won’t be anything happening with RaverRose…
Yes, Lush is definitely one of my fav. tracks. It is really something special.
As for what got me into Freeform, it was Carbon Based’s Cyclone and Alek Szahala’s Iron Squid. Gawd, they still sound as good as when I first listened to them – that was approximately 1 year ago.
I had to go through a *lot* of crap before I could find this Finnish madness, though. :3
And yeah, another track or two from the duo would be wonderful. :p