1. As for now the content’s basically party info on Romancer, the cybergoth event PlasmaDancer wrote about a few days ago, and the TANO*C strike coming up this month – in addition to the first release tidbit which basically says less than what’s written in this blog post. I’ve heard it’s supposed to be released at the next Comic Market.

  2. Either way it’ll be interesting to see what’s coming out of TOTAL DISCOMMUNICATION, been wondering about it since the label name started popping up in event flyers and similar!

    On the topic of TANO*C; do you intend to go there this time, Plasma?

  3. eirik>
    Thanks for rounding that up for Chip, but there isn’t much at the moment, you’re right. The Comic Market’s at the end of this month, I think..?

    Must admit I forgot Tano*C was this month 🙂 I should be able to make it, you too?

  4. I’m definitely going this time as well, both Alabaster and Betwixt playing makes it worth attending.

    Of course I’ll also be off to Romancer on this Friday, so see you there no matter what you decide to do about TANO*C!

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