Some more info on Betwixt & Between’s upcoming compilation album, Pure Existence. It’ll be sold on the 30th December at Comic Market (at the ALiCE’S EMOTiON booth), costing 1500yen. For anyone who can’t make it (but is in Japan, obviously) it’ll also be on sale at Tokyo Hardcore Construction next month.
I’ve had a preview of the album, and it’s sounding amazing, some really really good tunes in there that could fit into a lot of different sets. The tracklist is:
exist01: teranoid v.s. Betwixt & Between – CG25
exist02: Lunch – Heavy Industry
exist03: POLY CALAMITY – opkiklo
exist04: Alabaster – Black Border
exist05: Inugami, Lunch, Betwixt & Between – reverend recital
exist06: Lunch – musical
exsit07: RoughSketch – hug me
exist08: POLY CALAMITY – Decillion catastrophes
exist09: Zutsuu – Nightmarish Delusions
exist0A: Rising Sun Nova – External Limit
exist0B: Outro
You’ll notice some familiar names in there, with standout tracks from Lunch, Roughsketch and Finnish producer Zutsuu, among others. Betwixt has also released an excellent crossfaded preview of the album, which can be found on the new TOTAL DISCOMMUNICATION SoundCloud.
I have to say I was a bit skeptic at first, but the preview of the album made me change my mind. Loved the power and agressivity – great stuff.
Btw, no plans to sell it online?
This album is just fucking awesome. Not only because there’s my favorite artists (Alabaster, RoughSketch, BTW), but the really harsh sound in every aspect.
Betwixt surely loves aliases – Butabana Hakase, Hatred, 9Hands Circles, Berserk+Haste and now this Poly calamity 😛
Alongside with TANO*C’s “Speed Ball Z”, this is the album I’m waiting the most from C77. 😀
No plans to sell online yet, but if it’s really popular at Comiket and THC, who knows…
I’ve only heard one tune from Speed Ball Z so far, but it was a good one 😀
You should buy like 20 copies and re-sell them on here, blate ;D
Obviously get permission, but it would make it available for people who don’t live in japan..!
There’s crossfade demo of it, too.
(click “クロスフェード視聴”)