11 comments on “Ephemanent

    • Albums are sold out now and they don’t decide to reprint again, but it’s lucky I get it and can show some details about it’s booklet (haha, just show I’ve got this album), their designer Konseki Takane said his idea is from Betwixt’s Nanosecond Eternity, and he try some design to respect BTW.

      • I have too many things to write, it’s from our CN album, after all. But firstly I must say Nitoriy’s two tracks get my favorite, almost everyone in CN who hears freeform now under BTW’s influence, nirotiy is a talent artist of them, ‘沉渊低语’ shows his ability and get my heart (except the vocal in intro, I’m really not a fan of this vocal, but this track absolutely is a great track)

        • ‘Universe Outsiderz’ and ‘Cinder Glade’ maybe not your strike zone, but I like the feeling, like the Japanese freeform I’ve heard such as druggy’s acid rack.
          Have your heard the another mix of ‘cinder glade’ from ‘Escape the Time’? I think it’s a better version

          • Great comments, thanks! It’s interesting to know about the design – whether you’re into this style of art for freeform or not, I definitely got a Nanosecond Eternity feeling from it, too.

            I really like Universe Outsiderz, I was going to save my comments for when I talk about my set, but the style of filtering is something I wish other ‘melodic freeform’ tracks would do! Cinder Glade is very good, and for me it’s hard to pick which version. I’m a big fan of the changes in the Escape the Time mix, though.

      • That’s not true actually, We did eventually reprint some copies for sale and social. But good luck on you nontheless, since I don’t have a copy of my own.

        • Thank you for your addictions, I didn’t get the message when I posted this comment. Now I need to correct and hope plasmadancer could get this album

  1. (aaaaaa sorry I didn’t notice comment moderation thing so I sent you a lot of comments……Is my English level’s fault )
    My favorite track is “Angel Generator”, I think It’s very close to some trancy vibes of UK Freeform.
    This is a rare collection of freeforms in China, and I hope this can inspire more people will make freeform/NRG stuff.My friends and I have been trying to find ways to increase the popularity of these things in China.

    • That’s a good recommendation for UK freeform fans – and good luck, I know how hard it is to raise the popularity of freeform anywhere. Some good news is that it seems that there are some new Joulez tracks planned 🙂

      (Don’t worry about the comments, by the way!)

  2. Another thing to mention: the album name means “nanosecond eternity”. Couldn’t quite believe it when I noticed! Same for Joulez’s track.

    • Ah yes. This name is a combination of ephemeral and permanent, which serves as a homage to Betwixt.
      Joulez’s track is definitely a standout to me for it’s unmatched vibe and great progression.

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